Dear HandiScoop user, we hope you will enjoy using our product! By choosing it you have joined the HandiScoop revolution and over the average dogs lifespan you will be able to save up to 75 poop-picking hours in an average dog’s life, and 11,400 extra unnecessary poop bags! Our HandiScoop offers a more efficient and environmentally-friendly way of cleaning up after your dog, and saving our oceans.
How to use a HandiScoop for picking up around the house, lawns, patios, gravel, sand or kennel area?
For this use the three loaded bag merely protect the jaws for hygiene reasons and can be used in conjunction with a 2 gallon bin lined bucket if picking up a lot of dog litter as many as 100 poops could be snaffled up by just using one scoop bag, on the last poop simply seal the bag and dispose with the rest of the bucket bin liner of poop.
This method also applies to people living in a rural area who want to clear the dog litter from the pathway but there are no bins for miles. Simply use the scoop like many people use a garden trowel but it is far easier, more hygienic and reduces the smells and bending considerably.
It is easy to use and because you can pick up to 3 poops in one bag you are much more likely to clear up mess left behind by less thoughtful pet owners. It also encourages users not to throw bagged mess into hedgerows. Let’s make the world a cleaner place and give all dog-owners a good name!
How to use a HandiScoop for walking my dogs?
For this case we recommend the short scoop for fit people who like a long walk and the long scoop for people on a more gentle walk and may have a bending problem. In this case the 3 bags are pre-loaded before the walk.